Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Puppy (and Kitty) Love

Jeanne is blogging about animals this week:

This is a subject close to my heart, for a few reasons. First, my mom. She loved animals, but was extremely allergic, so she could never have pets. When she got pancreatic cancer, she used to come over to my house to cuddle with my cat, TK. She said TK was a "healing cat" and that she always made her feel better. Maybe it was the warmth of the cat on her poor battered body, or maybe it was just the comfort that comes from something furry purring in your lap.

When my mom died, TK started following me around, meowing at me. She's never been one of those dog-like cats, the kind that wants to be with people all the time. TK has always been content to be on her own. Not anymore. These days, I can expect TK to climb into bed with me in the morning, determined to snuggle under the covers with me. Whenever I sit still for more than 5 minutes, TK is there, ready to jump up on my lap. Maybe my mom was right. Maybe TK really is a healing cat. I have to admit, whenever I'm feeling down she makes me feel better too.

Another reason I have been thinking about the power of animals is that we're considering getting a puppy. My youngest son will be off to Kindergarten in a month, and I have to admit I'm afraid the house will be too quiet. It's not like we're lacking in energy around here with two little boys, but I think the time is right to add a puppy to the mix.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Jennifer--this is wonderful. It made me cry.

Let me know if you want any advice on the puppy.
